Beagle Editor Documentation

BeagleEditor Plugins

Plugins are very good, because they can extend BeagleEditor features.
There is a Git integration for BeagleEditor, a terminal and so many features
Even you can write a plugin and open a pull request.
Plugins can turn a minimal editor to a perfect editor
You can download plugins from here

Adding Plugins

First, download plugins from BeagleEditor Plugins GitHub repository (You can clone it with Git, going to Code > Download ZIP or select the plugin you want)
Then, put it in a folder named "plugins" in BeagleEditor destination
Open BeagleEditor, then you see the plugin/plugins added to Plugins menu in editor (If you don't put plugins, Plugins menu will be empty)

How to write plugins

You can fork this repository or create repository yourself
Create a Python file
Write the plugin
Then put a function in your code to run plugin from beagleeditor with name: run_from_beagleeditor() like the example:
def run_from_beagleeditor():
print("Test of a plugin for BeagleEditor")
or class BeagleEditorPluginExample():
def __init__(self):
print("Test of a plugin for BeagleEditor")

def run_from_beagleeditor():
example = BeagleEditorPluginExample()
example() # I'm not sure this is correct
or even
import random

def test(num):
print(f"Number is {num}")
def run_from_beagleeditor():
Note: If you are writing GUI plugin, you can't use PyQt6 because it may cause "QtCoreApplication::exec: The event loop is already running" error (An alternative is Tkinter)
Then test it by putting the file into "plugins" folder.
Even, you can open a pull request